Frequently Asked Questions

How do i get started ?

The simple way to get started is to generate a number with a minimum and maximum range. If you need more options then extend the “Advanced options” panel and discover a wide range of random number generation options

What are Advanced Options - Quantity Settings

– Quantity : Choose the quantity of numbers you want to get in each generation

– Different numbers : Check this box to get distinct number on a single generation

– Define Min and Max for a specific number : this parameter overrides global Min and Max parameter so you can generate a quantity of 5 numbers and set a specific min and max interval for the 5th number

Advanced Options - Number Settings

– Decimal Numbers : Check this box if you want to generate Decimal Numbers, you can choose the number of decimals

– Negative Numbers : Check this box if you want to generate Negative Numbers.

– Exclude Numbers : If you want to exclude specific numbers from your generation then specify them in this field. To exclude decimal number use . as decimal sign and use , to separate between numbers

– Numbers type : allows you to generate Even only or Odd only or both type of numbers

– Non duplicated generations : Check this box to prevent having duplicated results during your consecutive generations. For example if you got 4,6,8 in the first generation then you won’t get 4,6,8 another time

– Distinct number generations : Check this box to prevent having repeated numbers during your consecutive generations. For example if you already got 7,9,2 in previous generations ( with same configuration ) you won’t get these numbers again in the next generations

What are Advanced Options - Generation Mode

– Manual Generation : Click manually on the generate button to generate random numbers or use the Shake option so numbers are generated when you shake the device.

– Automatic Generation : Numbers are generated automatically until you stop it by one of the following options :

After Clicking on stop button

After a defined number of generations

After a defined number of seconds


What are Advanced Options - Result Settings

Delay Display : You can delay the display of the results by a defined number of seconds.

Keep results displayed : You can choose to keep results displayed or to hide them after each generation, if you choose to hide you can do it after a defined number of seconds

Show Sum : It shows the sum of the generated numbers

Show Average : It shows the average of the generated numbers

Play audio : A voice will speak the numbers generated, you can adjust the speed to fit your needs

Sort options : You can sort generated numbers in Ascending or Descending order


How can i save my Generation parameters with Configuration ?

You can save your generation parameters anytime using the Configuration concept, just click on the save button below the advanced options and choose a name for your configuration. You can load your configuration later and switch between configurations.

If you perform some changes on your configuration but do not want to save them then you can restore your parameters

You can also anytime unselect the current configuration and reset generation parameters to defaults.

How can i see my Generation History

For your current session the history of generations is displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you want to see your complete generation history you can click on the History icon on the top right of the screen and access to all your generation history with date / time and selected configuration for each generation.

Is Easy Randomizer Free ?

Easy Randomizer is Freemium, it has a free version which offer a wide range of random number generator options and comes with Premium packs that unlocks some limitations and totally remove ads

What are the premium Benefits ?

Easy Randomizer comes with the following premium benefits :

Remove Ads

Unlimited Configurations

Full results history

Full history of previous results

Specific Range for more than 1 number

Exclude more than 3 numbers

Better flexibility for stopping automatic generation

Better flexibility for hiding the results

Premium support

What are the premium packs ?

Easy Randomizer comes with 3 premium packs : 

STARTER   $0,99 per Week

Start discovering the premium benefits of the app

Useful when you need the app for a short period of time for few purposes

REGULAR $1,99 per Month

Get the premium benefits for a longer period of time

Useful when you need the app frequently for occasional purposes

PROFESSIONAL $9,99 per Year

Get the premium benefits for a whole year

Useful when you are using the app everyday for professional purposes

How do i get support ?

 Send us an email to including a detailed description of your issue or question so we can help you

Premium users get Premium support with less waiting times.